So what does this mean for the YAfictionados blog?
It means a couple of things:
- This book will no longer be limited to book chat. I love books and bookish chat will remain one of the central tropes I'll discuss here but I also want to talk about my writing journey (especially if I manage to get an agent and find a publishing home - fingers crossed!) to help inspire others to write. I want to talk about some of the beautiful places I've visited abroad on my travels but also in my hometown of Dublin. I want to peel back the layers and let you guys (and girls) see a different side to me; to see beyond face value and get to know the different parts that make me, me.
- I won't be posting with any fixed regularity. I'll aim to post every second week but I'll only be posting when something strikes or moves me and really, when it feels like something worth sharing with all of you.
- I love reviews but my focus will move away from single reviews and look at some of the books I enjoyed reading in that particular month (a monthly round-up starting in May).
I hope you're all excited and be sure to share all your bookish thoughts with me on Twitter. I want to know what you're reading and what you're looking forward to reading this year.
I'm looking forward to sharing some of my mental health experiences and a bit more about my illness so subscribe and keep an eye out for
I'm looking forward to sharing some of my mental health experiences and a bit more about my illness so subscribe and keep an eye out for
Christopher Moore:
Christopher is a co-founder of the YAfictionados blog (@YAfictionados). He's currently working on his debut LGBT YA novel. When he's not reading, writing or blogging, he can found in coffee shops or baking in his kitchen (watch out for his book cookies!). He loves to travel and will read anything YA-related and some general fiction and fantasy.
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